L I G O 2

LIGO 2 Reviews by NSF

* NSF Special Emphasis Panel Review of LIGO 2
October 25, 1999, Washington, D.C.

Charge to the Special Emphasis Panel for Review of LIGO 2 Conceptual Plan

Since its initial approval by the National Science Foundation, the LIGO Project has included an Advanced Research and Development activity with the goal of discovering improvements in detector technology that will empower LIGO with the sensitivity needed to function as a gravitational wave observatory. The initial LIGO installation is designed to reach a strain sensitivity of h=-21, which is at least two orders of magnitude better sensitivity than previously achieved. However, to fully exploit the potential of LIGO as a gravitational wave observatory current understanding of gravity wave sources predicts that at least another order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity is needed. The upgrade of the LIGO interferometers to achieve this by installing new improved elements in the existing vacuum chambers will produce LIGO II. The initial LIGO detectors are currently being installed and are scheduled for completion late in the year 2000. Shakedown and commissioning of LIGO is scheduled for completion in 2001 and a first data run will begin in early 2002.

The LIGO Laboratory has submitted a Conceptual Plan for LIGO II and is expected to submit a full proposal for this project in Fall 2000, requesting funding for LIGO II beginning in FY 2002. It is proposed to continue R&D, prototype production and engineering for LIGO II through this period and to begin LIGO II installation by 2004.

The purpose of this review is to assist NSF and the LIGO Laboratory to plan for this upgrade. This Special Emphasis Panel should provide a comprehensive review of the LIGO II Conceptual Plan including an analysis of the following issues:

  • Is the timing of the request for initiation of LIGO II appropriate?
  • Is the LIGO II R&D, engineering and installation plan compatible with the initial LIGO data run in terms of
    - manpower available?
    - interferometer operation schedule?
  • Are the cost estimates, schedule and milestones reasonable for the task?


Barish LIGO I and the vision for LIGO II pdf, 3.3 MB
Thorne LIGO science pdf, 171 kB
Weiss LSC overview pdf, 295 kB
Strain The LIGO II interferometer configuration pdf, 226 kB
Gustafson LIGO Lasers and Optics working group pdf, 2.1 MB
Shoemaker Suspensions and isolation systems for LIGO II pdf, 335 kB
Sanders A LIGO II project concept
(commercially sensitive cost information deleted)
pdf, 573 kB

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